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Friday, October 8, 2010

Meetings At The Round Table 7

Hey, hey, heyyyyyyyy... It's been a minute since I did a MATRT segment, but of course you knew I'd be back.  I only have two things I want to mention sooooooooooooooooo, lets go!!

There's A Thin Line Between Real.......AND RETARDED!!
This post is about that slow azz Kat Stacks, SMH.  I'm still shocked that some people actually call her the 2010 Superhead, I think I may have even called her that when she FIRST made a video).  However, she couldn't touch Karrine Stephens with a 10 foot pole.  Since Kat has come out, she has "blasted" several celebs, gotten knocked upside the head about 3 times, fell out drunk at several clubs and obviously bought more stock in Rainbow's Clothing Store.  I've called this chick slow since day one, but her latest stunt proves that she needs a check and not one from WSHH. 

Check MORE DISH for the rest of MATRT

Have any of you seen the video where she "shows her real kitty?" *insert sick face here* I saw that BS last wkend and have been taking anybody willing to look to see that madness. Since seeing the video, I've renamed her "Katastrophe Kat" cuz that is THE UGLIEST POON EVER!! Now, I'm not a poon expert but that one there was worn the hell out. It's was actually HANGING from her body, like it fell out of her insides. My homegirl made an observation that didn't seem too far fetched. While looking at the "hanging poon" she stated that Kat could possibly have been born a man and that this was the result of a sex change. Again, I'm not an expert on sex operations but that who-ha just didn't look right.  I'm not trying to start any rumors so let me move on from her poon.  Back to the issue at hand... this poor thing really thinks she's on, SMH.

As the title reads, there is a thin line between real and RETARDED.  Katherine Stacks has clearly drawn that line and trampled all over it causing it to disappear.  In my book, she is not considered real, she is the most retarded child ever.  It's like I want to feel sorry for her, but then she makes you wanna roast her 2 seconds later.  As I was showing the poon video to another friend yesterday, I had to wonder....how much is WSHH paying this chick?  No amount could be enough for her to be doing this mess.  It's so RIDICULOUS, SMH! It's not like she's in Playboy or something, she's on the WORLD WIDE WEB in Snoopy/snow man panties showing her hang time (I meant that literally) ROFL.  Enough about her, just please remember people that if you're not careful you can go from real to retarded without realizing it. Stay on ya toes, LOL.

It Gets Better
I've already spoke on this topic, but I felt the need to mention it again today.  The "It Gets Better" campaign was started to help young individuals in the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgendered) community understand that although it may be difficult living as a LGBT person, it will most definitely GET BETTER!  In the past few weeks we've had several young men kill themselves due to bullying and/or teasing surrounding their homosexuality.  This has got to stop, and it starts at home!  While we might not all agree with a person's sexuality, we still have to be respectful of that person because whatever they are, they are human first.  I never understood "bullies" and although I never had to deal with them, I would see them bother others when I was younger.  My mom always told me that usually if you START ish, you don't END it. 

One thing that bothers me the most is that these babies (they range from ages 13-18) didn't think that it would get better.  I've dealt with a lot of things in my life, but I never reached a point where I thought that that  was it and it couldn't get better.  It makes you wonder exactly how much they withstood before they reached that breaking point.  It's scary to think about what our children go through on a daily basis that we have no clue of.  Keep in mind that if you're having problems it really helps to find someone to talk to, let it out!  Now that I'm getting older the "been there, done that" saying means a lot more to me than it did back in the day.  As children we don't really think about the fact that our parents actually have dealt with adolescence and may be able to help us with certain things. While I can't speak on how hard it is for the LGBT community, speaking as a black woman in a jacked up world... I can say WHATEVER you're dealing with in the world, as long as you have the strength to continue, it WILL GET BETTER!! BTW, I love the gays ;)

Well, that's it guys and gals, post your thoughts.  Meeting Adjourned!!!