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Friday, May 13, 2011

Ron Paul

Fresh from the early morning announcement of his candidacy for U.S. president on “Good Morning America,” Texas Congressman Ron Paul kicked off his campaign by rallying hundreds of supporters who packed into the Exeter Town Hall on Friday morning.
“The revolution is spreading and the momentum is building,” Paul said as he declared the nation is starting to catch on to his message of liberty, freedom and limited government.
Paul will seek the Republican nomination for the presidency for a second time and will be making his third overall run for the office.
“There are many that would like to belittle this effort but let me tell you there's an old saying, ‘three's a charm,'” he said.
Paul believes the political climate across the country has changed and more people feel government is overbearing and creating more problems than it's solving.
“It's so evident to this growing amount of people that the government isn't the solution, the government has really created the problem,” he said.
Much has been said in recent weeks about Paul's stance on the legalization of illegal drugs.
The congressman spoke to the issue at Friday's rally and received thunderous applause for his stance.
“You have a freedom of choice with your bodies, that I believe is a basic principal of liberty.”
He criticized the Food and Drug Administration for limiting patient access to new medicines.
Paul was also critical of the country's foreign policy and said it was time for the United States to stop policing other countries.
The presidential candidate also touched on eliminating the Federal Reserve, the country's central banking system.